We've Got Spirit.... Yes We do!
We've Got Spirit.... How About You!
One does not graduate from Sunnyside High School without remembering the awesome experiences, especially the pep assemblies that made SHS so special. It usually evolved over the course of a school year and of a contest of participating classes and was almost always led by the senior class over the quiet and reserved sophomores or now days the freshman class!
But which senior graduating class at SHS was the best or still has that "Grizzly Spirit"?
The Sunnyside HS Alumni Scholarship Fund started almost fifty years ago as a class project for the SHS Class of 1972. It has now grown into a full-fledged Sunnyside High School Alumni undertaking. Recently, as support mounted, an Endowment Fund was initiated and now the Alumni Fund is asking each graduating class to consider showing their spirit again by financially helping the Alumni Fund reach their 3 year endowment fund goal of $100,000.
The Class of 1967 has stepped up big time.
"A few of us got together (probably over too many glasses of wine) and decided we should donate and try to encourage our other classmates to donate as well to the SHS Alumni Fund's Endowment Campaign," said Class of 1967 graduate David Lindsey, .......
"A few of us got together (probably over too many glasses of wine) and decided we should donate and try to encourage our other classmates to donate as well to the SHS Alumni Fund's Endowment Campaign," said Class of 1967 graduate David Lindsey, "We each pledged $1,000 and realized we were halfway there to meet the $10,000 challenge"! They later posted on their Class Facebook Page, "As fellow 1967 SHS class alumni, we hope you will join us in supporting the Sunnyside High School Alumni Scholarship fund. Our class goal is to raise at least $10,000 for the Endowment Fund. The following classmates have pledged to match your donations, up to $5,000 towards that goal." The Class of 1967 shared their intentions with the SHS Alumni Fund and a special landing-page was created to track their progress.
"Now that is Class Spirit!", commented Alumni Fund creator Pedro Marquez (Class of '72). Mr. Marquez recently retired as a 30+ year History and Social Studies Teacher at Sunnyside High School. Mr. Marquez recalled the Class of 1952's gift in 2017, when at their 65th Class Reunion, they determined that it would probably be their last (reunion) and before closing their class checking account, they wrote their last check (#1012) with a $200 donation to the Alumni Fund. And more recently the Class of 1953 held their 70th reunion before calling it quits and closed their bank account and donated over $680 dollars to the "Endowment Fund"!
The real winners of course is this year's Seniors and as our "Endowment Fund" grows, the next class and the next class and the next!
The Class of 67 has won this round for the coveted "Spirit Stick" Which Class will be next!
Go Grizzlies!
More Information:
The SHS Alumni Scholarship Fund is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Educational Foundation that was created and dedicated to help SHS graduates pursue their post-secondary educational goals!
updated April 22, 2023